The project TERUNIC is funded by EAFRD and Regional Council (Brittany).
More EAFRD news on the website of the european commission.
Context & Objectives
The objective of TERUnic is to understand from the farmstead to the territory the economical and technical impact of increasing the production of protein crops for breeding. To answer this question the partners have chosen to gather different knowledge concerning economics and agronomy.
General view & Partnership
TERUnic is supported by VEGEPOLYS VALLEY. It implies companies, professional agricultural organizations, research and training actors, agricultural schools and universities.
Launch : january 2016
Duration : 48 months
Cost : 1,1 millions d'€
Founded by : EAFRD EPI-AGRI and Regional Council of Pays de la Loire
Seenovia, BCEL Ouest, Deshyouest, EILYPS, Terrena Innovation, Triskalia
Professional agricultural organizations
Regional chambers of agriculture Brittany and Pays de la Loire, La Coopération Agricole, Nutrinoë, Networks CAB-GAB, Networks FRAB-GAB, Networks CIVAM
Research and training actors, schools...
Agrocampus Ouest, Arvalis-Vegetal institute, IDELE-breeding institute, IFIP-Pig Institute, ITAVI, Terres Inovia, Terres Univia
To choose the right tools to increase protein self sufficiency, the partners of the TERUnic project decided :
• To follow the breeders who have already a high protein self sufficiency level ;
• To collect the knowledge and data of the global SOS PROTEIN from all partners ;
• To model a higher development of protein self-sufficiency, from the farmstead to the territory and the value chain.