


The project 4AGEPROD is funded by EAFRD and Regional Councils (Brittany).
More EAFRD news on the website of the european commission.


Context & objectives

The objectives of the project 4AGEPROD are to experiment under diffrent climatic conditions in the west of France several technical ways to produce alfalfa hay and silage, and the associations of cereals-leguminous and grass-leguminous. The most interesting on the hightest protein level point of view will be evaluated on the cattle.

Under the content of this project the partners will try to find tools to enable them to conserve the productivity and duration of pasturages.


Photo Credit Arvalis


Photo Credit Arvalis


General view & Partnership

4AGEPROD is supported by VEGEPOLYS VALLEY. It implies companies, professional agricultural organizations, research and training actors, agricultural schools and universities.

Launch : january 2016
Duration : 48 months
Cost : 1,8 millions d'€
Founded by : EAFRD EPI-AGRI and Regional Council of Brittany


Terrena Innovation, Triskalia, Deshyouest, Seenovia, BCEL Ouest, Eilyps

Professional agricultural organizations

Regional chambers of agriculture Brittany and Pays de la Loire, FRCuma Ouest, Networks CIVAM, Networks CAB-GAB, breeding farm and expérimental farm of Thorigné d'Anjou

Research and training actors, schools...

IDELE - breeding institute, Arvalis - vegetal institute, Inrae Quimper (SAS), Inrae Lusignan (FERLUS), Inrae Saint-Gilles (PEGASE)


To secure the hay and silage production with high level contents of protein and productivity of pasturages, the partners of 4AGEPROD project decided :
• To work together with the same protocole ;
• To evaluate the interest of early harvest for feed quality (protein rate and assimilation) ;
• To be able to harvest Alfa Alfa in the first year of sowing and turning it in to silage to reduce the loss ;
• To find the solutions to optimize the duration of pastures ;
• Sharing knowledge to increase protein self sufficienty.


bouton PDF Presentation of the project







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