Pre-competitive research projects are projects between companies and research actors in order to identify emergent thematic. VegeUP, the pre-competitive unit of VEGEPOLYS VALLEY, carries out these kind of projects and expected results are knowledge for all actors interested by the subject.
This action is funded by EAFRD and Regional Councils.
More EAFRD news on the website of the european commission.
Farming in Brittany and Pays de la Loire is the first link in the feed industry, very active in this area. To feed these animals, Brittany and Pays de la Loire (like other european breeding areas) are depending heavily on the import of raw materials rich in proteins.
It's mainly soybeans with fluctuating prices, which have to cover more than ten thousand kilometers and are potential source of GMOs while it contributes to deforestation.
So, what will we do then ?
SOS PROTEIN (Sustain Our Self-sufficiency Protein Research to Overcome the Trend of European Import Needs) is a program built on 4 projects :
• PROGRAILIVE project : PROduction protein GRAin for LIVEstock
• 4AGEPROD project : Produce forage with a high rate of protein
• DY+ project : DigestibilitY increase ; this project is supported by Valorial
• TERUNIC project : Territory Economics the Right Understanding