
Definition, members and territories

Definition of "Pôle de compétitivité"


VEGEPOLYS VALLEY is a competitiveness cluster gathering together firms, research and training centres in the plant field around some innovative projects to strengthen the firms' competitiveness. The French State granted this "competitiveness cluster" label in July 2005.

The cluser boots and supports the co-design of innovation along the whole plant value chain, from genetics to uses.

+ 600 members  + 1000 projects    70 projects per year   


 Type of members



Since 2014, VEGEPOLYS VALLEY has been granted the Gold "Proven for Cluster Excellence" label by the ECEI (European Excellence Initiative). This label rewards VEGEPOLYS VALLEY's actions and will increase its international recognition in order to support the European partnerships, projects and funding.

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Our members

The VEGEPOLYS VALLEY members are gathered together in 4 colleges :

The firms :
80% of the firms are SMEs (small and medium-size firms). Their products and/or services meet professionals, territorial authorities and consumers' needs. (Limagrain, Pileje, Vilmorin, Fleuron d’Anjou, Terrena, Premier Tech, koopert…).

The trade unions and development agencies :
All the professional families are thus represented by their federation, union, inter-branch organization, association...

The research and training centres :
The Research and Training Centres such as INRA (national institute for agronomic research), the Universities (Angers, Clermont Ferrand, Nantes, Tours...), the "Grandes Ecoles" (professional schools) such as Agrocampus Ouest, ESA, and AgroSup...) are direct members but VEGEPOLYS VALLEY also relies more than 100 partner laboratories.

The  consular chambers :
CCI (Chambers of Commerce and Industry), Chambers of Agriculture...



carte_membersOur territories

VEGEPOLYS VALLEY is settled in 4 French historical regions (Pays de la Loire, Auvergne Rhône Alpes, Bretagne, Centre-Val de Loire) to be close to its 500 members.

Its headquarters are in Angers  - Discover

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