


The project PROGRAILIVE is funded by EAFRD and Regional Council (Brittany).
More EAFRD news on the website of the european commission.


Context & Objectives

The target of the project PROGRAILIVE is to secure and increase the production of pulses for the breeding in the west of France (Brittany and Pays de la Loire). We have chosen for this project to experiment with three grains : Pea, Lupine and Faba Bean to increase the protein self-sufficiency for farmers. This project was based on the farmers requests and is based on experimenting on farmsteds using mixed crops (cereal and leguminous).

Lupin - triticale intercrop
Photo credit : Nicolas Carton - ESA Angers


General view & Partnership

PROGRAILIVE is supported by VEGEPOLYS VALLEY. It implies companies, professional agricultural organizations, research and training actors, agricultural schools and universities.

Launch : january 2016
Duration : 48 months
Cost : 2,6 millions d'€
Founded by : EAFRD EPI-AGRI and Regional Council of Brittany


Terrena Innovation, SA Pinault Bio, Groupe d'Aucy, Caliance, CAVAC, Triskalia, Jouffray-Drillaud

Professional agricultural organizations

Chambres d'agriculture de Bretagne et des Pays de la Loire, FRCuma Ouest,  Réseaux CIVAM, Réseaux CAB-GAB

Research and training actors, schools...

Agrocampus Ouest, Inra de Rennes, Groupe ESA-LEVA, UBO-LUBEM, Vegenov, Terres Inovia et 4 lycées agricoles : Bréhoulou, Saint-Aubin-du-Cormier, Laval et La-Roche-sur-Yon


To secure and increase the production of Peas, Lupine and Faba bean, the partners of the PROGRAILIVE projet have decided :
• To select the best practises to increase the production of leguminous ;
• To overcome the problems in leguminous production by testing with farmers, on experimental farms and agriculture schools the best solutions to produce leguminous grains ;
• To diagnostic and understand the problems and to be able to propose a solution to the deseases specifics to this cultures ;
• To optimise Lupine production by weed control using mixed crops ;
• To Study the population of pests and auxiliary insects on Pea, Lupine and Faba Bean.


bouton PDF Presentation of the project







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