
Minasmart : supporting the digital transformation of SMEs in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes


A European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) covering the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, to promote the use of digital technologies and scale-up the SME’s activities.  
The operational DIH and EDIH candidate MINASMART will  unite the regional innovation key stakeholders to support the digital transformation, drive the economy and foster technological excellence. MINASMART objective is to facilitate the digital transformation of more than 2000 SMEs per year by its 3rd year. To further support companies in their digitalization and overcome the financial barriers they face, MINASMART aims to raise more than 50M€ per year through public and private funding.















on going disucssions


VEGEPOLYS VALLEY VEGEPOLYS VALLEY collaborates with InnovAlliance to represent the agricultural and agri-food sectors as part of the Minasmart project. Its role in the project includes several actions: VV carries out actions to raise awareness among SMEs of digital issues through the organization of webinars and training. VV organizes events to bring together digital solution providers and users through BtoB meetings and visits to technical platforms. The cluster also carries out diagnostics to analyze the maturity of SMEs in the region to digital challenges and its innovations, and promotes associated services within the framework of Minasmart (cybersecurity diagnosis, AI diagnostics, open session, etc.). Finally, the cluster supports the transfer of digital solutions and the emergence and setting up of innovative digital projects by SMEs in the region. For the year 2024 and as part of DINAII co-financing, the cluster is hiring a person who will specifically support the digital transition of agri-food companies in the region.

The cluster receives 260 596 € for in this project.

See the project on LinkedIn here



Partenaires Mina-smart

EDIH Minasmart project, (grant agreement no. 101083775)
and NumIAA, funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty (DINAII project in AURA)


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