French plant clusters have joined their strengths to expand their international strategy.


French clusters (Plant InterCluster consortium) :AgriSud Ouest Innovation, Terralia and VEGEPOLYSVALLEY are in the the Plant InterCluster networkto embody the French plant skills all around the world and to set up a common strategy to facilitate the international development of the clusters and their members (companies, training & research centers).


Plant InterCluster intends to develop innovations on all plants :

Cereals, seeds, fruit &vegetables, ornamental horticulture, vine, tropical plants, medicinal & aromatic plants


Plant InterCluster gathers a wide range of skills

Plant breeding, plant & seed health, Heatlh & well being properties of plants, Preservation of fresh and processed fruits & végétables, innovating growing methods


The PIC events


Each year, the French cluster consortium for plant innovation organizes with the network an annual meeting with a specific topic. For more information, click on :EVENTS


The PIC Network

The purpose of this international network is to build strong international partnerships with clusters around those sectors: cider, cereals, fruit and vegetables, ornamental horticulture, medicinal plants, mushrooms, seeds and winegrowing.

The first actions are:

  • The identification of international plant clusters worldwide (already 20 members identified in 2011)
  • The organization of an annual meeting
  • The organization of missions(ex : The Netherlands, Chile, Brazil, South Africa...)

The consortium's ambition is to lay down the architecture for a global network to promote:

  • Exchanges of best practicesin innovation governance,
  • Support of technological cooperation and partnershipsfor innovation
  • Identification of complementary international skills in order to remove technological bottlenecks
  • international business opportunities (prospection and commercial values).

Signature of Clusters Cooperation Agreement :

  • On June 2012 -  VEGEPOLYS who signed on behalf of the PIC Consortium and  the Portuguese Agrocluster Ribatejo.
  • On June 2014 -  VEGEPOLYS who signed on behalf of the PIC Consortium and  the Cluster de Semilla, Argentina.
  • On 2019 - the PIC consortium was extended to the european clusters

The purpose of this CCA is to establish a formal cooperation initiative to share information, tools and experiences betweenclusters and strengthen business, research and technological cooperation.siness, research and technological cooperation.